
“With a strong vocabulary and good listening skills, the speaking and fluency will come naturally.”
– Andrew Campbell

I was born in London, England. I worked for 12 years as a derivatives futures trader and during this time I had the opportunity to visit many countries. Eventually I arrived in Poland and that was in 2005. In Poland so many people who after years of learning, had a fantastic base of construction and English grammar. They would, when it came to speaking with me, struggle with basic conversation.

Conventional English language schools often restricted the way in which one can learn simply because teachers are forced to use outdated teaching materials. These are simply inadequate to the changing dynamics of the language in real life. With such a push in schools for constructions, rules and grammar, I decided to opt of the other end of the scales. I offer meetings that concentrate primarily on talking and improving vocabulary. Observation has taught me that while it is worth knowing the various tenses, and understanding the grammar, in the real world, in real life situations, the underlining is all about speaking and listening.

We are all different, learn different and have different study methods. It’s up to the teacher to find the individual method to help each student retain information and grow with the language. And so I try to understand you and break down any barriers you may have.

In 2007 I had my first conversation class and there was no turning back. I believe this is the most effective way of learning and it’s confirmed by dozens of students who are now confident enough to call English their second language.

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