Posts Categorized: Vocabulary Builder

15 Romantic Ways To Avoid Saying “I LOVE YOU” in English

15 Romantic Ways To Avoid Saying “I LOVE YOU” in English

Word BankROMANTIC PHRASES LIST How do you say “I love you” without actually saying it?The word “Love” is a great word, and when used to describe your feelings towards a TV program or your favourite Pizza for example, they words carry some weight but not too much. When talking about a person or to a… Read more

15 Common Binomial Pair Expressions in English Pt1

15 Common Binomial Pair Expressions in English Pt1

Word Bank IDIOMS LIST Natives love binomial pair expressions, we throw them out all the time and use them in both formal and informal situations. But what is a binomial pair? Well it’s a word combination made expression that uses two words that are joined by a conjunction (usually “for”, “and” or “or”) However, you… Read more

Best Ways to Say “NO” To Your Boss Remotely

Best Ways to Say “NO” To Your Boss Remotely

Work List Saying No. Phases List The coronavirus has basically affected all our lives, more often than not for the worse. It has given us restrictions on movement, borders opening, then closing, masks and working remotely – of which some of us have really enjoyed. Surprisingly, many of us have found our productivity increasing, in… Read more