Word Bank – 10 Most Useful Phrases in English

Word Bank

English is a special language and like as language, as many phrases that are used by locals.
Here are 10 great phrases that we us on a daily basis.

Common phrases used by native speakers.

Give me a hand – To give somebody help.
I’m moving over the weekend; can you give me a hand and help move some boxes?

Get the ball rolling – To get a something started or to begin.
OK, let’s get the ball rolling, this meeting isn’t going to start itself

Sleep on it (to Marinate on it) – To not decide on something straight away.
Do I need to tell you right now; can I not sleep on it and tell you tomorrow.

I’m broke – To have no money in your pocket, wallet or purse.
I’d love to go to the movies with you tomorrow, but at the moment, I’m broke.

Like the back of my hand – To know something extremely well.
I’ve been over the papers a thousand times I know them like I know the back of my hand.

In/For ages – A long time.
When was the last time you ate sushi, I’ve not had it in ages?

Feeling it – To have feelings for or against something.
No, I’m not doing it. Sorry but I’m just not feeling it

Piece of cake – When something is/was really easy.
I just finished the third interview, it was a Piece of cake.

Your guess is as good as mine – To not know or understand something.
Listen, your guess is as good as mine I don’t know what went wrong. 

Chillax – A combination of two words, chilling and relaxing.
I’ve no plans this weekend, I think I’m just going to chillax

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