15 Common Binomial Pair Expressions in English Pt2

Word Bank

Welcome to the second part of the Binomial Pair Expression blog. In part 1 I looked at some of the class expressions, and this is just a continuation. A binomial pair is a word combination expression. Created by joining two words with a conjunction (usually “for”, “and” or “or”) in the middle. The word order is fixed, so make sure when playing with Binomial Pairs, you get the order the right way round.

Here is part two of two pages that will to give you some really common binomial pair expressions.

15 Commonly used binomial pair

1. Slice and dice
Means – To break down in to smaller parts to analyse more closely.
Example – The contract has been “Sliced and diced” so let’s go though each part slowly.

2. Spick and span
Means – To be clean, tidy and look almost like brand new.
Example – You know the drill. I want this room looking spick and spanby the time I return.

3.  Wear and tear
Means – Inevitably damage that occurs as a result of normal wear or aging.
Example – My shoes have had some wear and tear“, I think it’s time to get a new pair.

4. Ups and downs
Means – Positive or negative (good and Bad)
Example – This year we had to ride the “ups and downs, but with Covid, the most important thing was to stay afloat.

5.  Wine and dine
Means – To enjoy food and drink. (take to dinner)
Example – Put your shoes on, tonight we will “wine and dine“.

6. Willy-nilly
Means – to not care or worry about results and consequences.
Example – He went through life all “willy-nilly” never taking things seriously.

7. Far and wide
Means – Over a vast area or distance.
Example – I’ve traveled “far and wide and Ive never seen a woman as beautiful Queen Elizabeth.

8.  Short and sweet
Means – something although brief but quite pleasant
Example – The presentation was perfect, “short and sweet but bursting with useful content, just the way I like it.

9.  Sooner or later
Means – At some point in the future.
Example – I’ve been here 25 minutes, surely a bus will come “sooner or later

10.  Sick and tired
Means –  To have had enough of something.
Example – I’m sick and tired” of all the bad press we’ve received lately. You guys really need to up your game.

11. Live and learn
Means – With age comes experience.
Example – OK boys, I’ll show you how it is done, time you kids “live and learn” and the old boys show you how it’s done.

12.  Win or lose
Meaning: Either way…..
Example – If the driver comes in, “Win or lose”, we will still sell the franchise.

13. Make or break
Means –  Something will either be successful or fail.
Example – The new app is a “make or break of this company, we need it to be successful.

14.  Black and blue
Means – to be covered in bruises or badly beaten.
Example – John was attacked by a group of thugs, he was beaten black and blueand to spend a night in hospital.

15.  Little by little
Means – to happen gradually.
Example – All the money disappeared “Little by little“, and soon enough the company had to close the doors.

Where you able to figure the meanings of these before reading the description?
Need more Binomial Pair Expressions, read part one here.

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