Word Bank – English Dressing Verbs

Word Bank

As you all know a great way to learn English is to talk to yourself whilst doing everyday tasks. Getting dressed is something we should all do daily, so just for a laugh, why not talk through the whole process as part of your daily English practise.
With that in mind, here are some common verbs connected with dressing that you can think about whilst putting some outfits together.

Dressing Verbs list

To buckle
Means – To attached an item of clothing using a buckle.
Example – The young boy tightened his belt using the buckle

To button
Means – To fasten an item of clothing with a button.
Example – You should button you jacket of your cold.

To clothe
Means – To put clothes on.
Example – Timothy, please go to your room and clothe yourself immediately.

To dress
Means – To put clothes on.
Example – Madge had to dress quickly or risk being late for work.

To fasten
Means – To secure an item of clothing.
Example – After he fastened his rob, he walked out onto the landing.

To undress
Means – To take your clothes off.
Example – I started to undress him with my eye, he was the sexiest plumber ever.

To unfasten
Means – To open or undo an item of clothing.
Example – I hand so slowly unfasten my coat after breaking my arm.

To unzip
Means – To open or undo an item of clothing.
Example – I often unzipped my jacket, it makes me look cool.

To wear
Means – To have an item of clothing on.
Example – So Maria, what will you be wearing to the party tomorrow.

Can you think of any dressing verbs I’ve missed?
How would you discribe your dressing style or taste in clothes, get in touch and let me know.
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