6 Biggest Mistakes of Ukrainians Speaking English

Word Bank

During my time in Ukraine, I realised a lot of people were all making the same mistakes when speaking English. Some were because of the direct translation from Ukrainian to English, whilst others were just small reading mistakes. Either way, I decided to note them down and put together a list that I believe highlights all the most common mistakes made by Ukrainians when speaking English.

In no particular order.

  1. “v” pronounced like a W.
  2. “th” pronounced like a Zz.
  3. “s” sounded out with an extra syllable.
  4. The phrase “today morning” instead of “this morning”
  5. “and other” used at the end of a sentence instead of “and so forth” or “etc”.
  6. “We with ….. went shopping” when referring to themselves and one other person. In English it give the impression there were more than two people.

None of these are serious, but if you can tweak and remove them, it will make a massive difference to how you sound.

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