Word Bank – British Pub Language

Word Bank

A BeerThere are few places more entwined into English culture than the local pub. With the oldest dating back to the 16th century, it is easy to see why the pub plays such an importnatn role in the community. Understanding typical pub language, like most things British isn’t strighforward, so here is a quick guide to get you through the basics.

The Local, Boozer or Watering Hole are all names to describe the classic British pub.

“I’ll get the drinks, it’s my round
Unlike in Central and Eastern Europe, the UK does a system of “rounds”. It is the term used when you go around the take and people take turn buying the drinks for the group. Just remember, the larger the group, the more expensive a round of drinks can cost.

“I’m off to the pub, it’s Happy Hour
This is a specified time (not always exactly one hour) when the bar sells drinks at a discount, e.g. Happy hour is from 6pm to 8pm.

“Can I have a vodka on-the-rocks?”
This is simply a way of asking for ice in your drink.

“Do you want ice and a slice?”
This is the bartender (Bar Keep) asking if you want ice and a slice of lemon.

“Would you like a single or double?”
This is in reference to the size (or measure) of the alcohol you want.

“I’d like a straight vodka please”
A straight is a drink without any mixers.

“Hiya, what do you have on draught?”
The term draught, refers to beer that is pulled from the tap.

“Drinks are on me
Are-on-me means that you will be buying the drinks.

Mixers are your non-alcoholic drinks that are mixed with alcohol. Coke, orange, cranberry juice etc.

“Can you stick it on my Tab (Can I start a Tab)”
Your Tab is simply your bill. Asking to put it on your tab (or start a tab) means you’ll keep drinking and pay everything at the end of the evening.

You look Plastered / Wasted / Shitfaced / Blaggered.
These are slang terms to describe somebody that is really drunk

If you think of any cool British pub terms and phrases that are missing from this list?
Send me an email and let me know.

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