Word Bank – English Food Idioms (Part 1)

Word Bank

It goes with saying that using and learning idioms is a splendid way to improve your English. I’ve listed some idioms connect to food, so please, after reading, try to fit them into your conversation.

Have a sweet tooth –
If you love eating, cakes, sweets and sugary products, then it could be said you have a sweet tooth.
“Its’ true, I have a sweet tooth, you can’t leave me alone with sweets, I’ll eat them all”

Cool as a cucumber
Is what you call somebody how remains calm under pressure and doesn’t get flustered.
“Yeh, no surprise he scored the penalty he is always as cool as a cucumber

Eat like a horse
We refer to eating like a horse, when somebody consumes vast amounts of food.
Svetlana is amazing, she’s so small but she eats like a horse. How does she do it?

Spice things up –
To make things more exciting, sexy or more interesting, we can say you spiced things up a little.
“Wow, that outfit looks great, but you can really spice things up by wearing these shoes.”

Compare apples and oranges –
Because apples and oranges are so different it’s hard to compare them.
You can’t compare a city the size of London to Lublin, it’s like comparing apples and oranges

English Idioms with Food

Not your cup of tea –
When something is not your cup of tea, it means you simply do not like it.
Hiking cross country, no way… it just isn’t my cup of tea.

A bad apple –
If you think about a basket with one rotten apple inside. It won’t take long before it affects all the other apples around it. Well it is the same when we think about a bad apple in the office, this person would cause problems and be a trouble maker.

A smart cookie –
The term a smart cookie is simple somebody who is really smart.
That Katherine can do wonders with her laptop. She is a smart cookie

Do you know any other nice food idioms. please write in and let me know. And if you need more words, take a look at the Part 2

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