Intensive English

To learn the English language you need to do more than just review grammar and practice vocabulary. You need to get out in the world and actually use the language. You need to listen to and interact with regular people in common everyday situations.

The idea behind my English Intensive Program (EIP) is to immerse you in the English language and over a 1 or 2 days really work towards drastically improving your listening and speaking skills.

This course is perfect for anyone returning to English after a long break or for somebody that want to take their English to the next level.

How Does It Work?

There are two types of programs, the regular and the Extra Mile, both programs are designed to push your level up. After deciding where you want the session to take place, we dive straight in.

Intensive Program

The intensive program can take place in any European city and involves a full day of individual English. I will meet you in the morning and have a chat before going for breakfast. Then we would visit some popular places, all the while doing tasks in English. From ordering food and buying tickets to asking for directions and haggling for items.  With stops along the way, we break down any barriers you may have and push you to the next level.

The program, at six hours long is much like cramming 6 lessons into one. It is guaranteed to boost your English language and listening skills.

Extra Mile Program

The opening section of this program is much like the scheduled program, but it doesn’t end after 6 hours, it continues long into the night. Using real life scenarios, real people, real places and ongoing conversation, the Extra Mile program is intense and designed to mentally stretch you.

Whatever your reason is for wanting to undertake an intensive full day English session, I can customise and adjust it to your personal individual needs. The question is, how intense do you want your English experience to be.