
English Conversation

The main focus is unrelentingly in the design and that is to simply get you talking. There is a barrier in many people’s mind that puts a mental block on speaking foreign languages, so my focused during these conversation classes is to make you feel more comfortable with English. I push you to speak English and work on improving your vocabulary and listening skills, which will ultimately help the progression of your fluency.

After the initial first contact meeting in Gdansk, once your needs and desires have been expressed, I will offer an individual lesson plan to suit you. We’re all different and so are our strengths and weaknesses, therefore a little personal care is needed to help you fully exploit your potential.

Help me at work

Designed for those working in service that are forced to speak English to clients on a daily basis. It is based only on the language associated with your work. The classes are customised to cover just what you’ll need in order to make you feel more comfortable talking to foreigners during your normal working day.

Holiday situations

Going away soon and in need of a fast track? The keys here are the scenarios, so regardless of your level of English, from the hotel to the airport, you’ll learn enough set terms and phrases to overcome most everyday situations.

English for Interviews

This is a unique 4×60 minutes lesson is set to prepare you for an English job interview. We go over the basics like knowing your CV, and working history before diving into the questions and ways of answering without sounding like you read the answers online 🙂  I will make sure you are best prepared for the big day.