Word Bank – Money and Wealth Idioms

Word Bank

Using and understand idioms is a great way to improve your English and take your learning to the next level. Here are some super idioms connected to money and wealth for you to put in your wallet.


Look like a million pounds – 
To be told you look like a million pounds, simply means you look fantastic

Born with a silver (or wooden) spoon in your mouth –
If somebody is born with a silver spoon in their mouth, it means their parents are extremely wealthy and could afford to give them everything they wanted.

To go from rags to riches –
As the term to go from rags to riches suggests, the person went from being extremely poor, to being extremely rich.

An arm and a leg –
To be told something will cost an arm and a leg means something is overpriced and or really expensive

To have sticky fingers –
When somebody has sticky fingers, it simply means that they are a thief.

To give a run for one’s money –
This idiom is used often when an underdog raises their game and compete really well and pushes the favorite to the limit.

To pony up –
If you’re told to pony up, it means that you’ve been asked to pay for something or settle a debt.

Break-even –
When you break-even, it means that you never made or lost money.

Break the bank –
If somebody said it would break the bank, they are referring to something being really expensive.

Receive a kickback –
A kickback is a type of bribe so it could be a payment in money of goods for providing or not providing a service.

Midas touch –
This idiom related to the story of King Midas, everything he touched turned to gold. It means a person is very lucky and has a great eye for business.

Go Dutch –
Going Dutch with somebody means you split the bill (or cost) equally.

To be loaded –
In American being loaded refers to somebody being high on drugs, but in the UK, this term is used to describe somebody with lots of money.


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