10 Top Tips To Speak English More Confidently

Word Bank

It’s all well and good studying English, learning new words, idioms, phrases and really putting the hours but if you’re not going to actually use the language, then you’re wasting your time. The best way to really climb the confidently ladder is by taking your head out the books and talking directly to native speakers.

With that in mind, here are my top 10 tips to help you speak English more confidently.

It goes without saying that having lessons with me is the best was to boast your confidence. I’ll push, encourage and help you overcome any speaking barrier you may have. With me, it won’t be long before you’ll confidently speaking to anyone that will listen.

1. Lessons with Me
It goes without saying that having lessons with me is the best was to boast your confidence. I’ll push, encourage and help you overcome any speaking barrier you may have. With me, it won’t be long before you’ll confidently speaking to anyone that will listen.

2. Find a foreigner.
It’s been said before, and will be said again, the undisputed best way to Speak English more confidently is to find yourself a native language partner. They will encourage you to talk, correct your mistakes and it won’t be long before the speaking practise will really pay dividends.

3. Go to language meeting (couch surfing meeting)
All cities in Poland offer language meetups, with expats, travellers and couch surfers. Go along, you’ll meet many people from different corners of the words with English often usually being the only common tongue.

4. Have a few drinks.
It’s true I don’t speak Polish very well, but after a few drinks I was speaking like a pro. Alcohol really does make you speak foreign languages better. I researched this over and over and the conclusion was always the same. After a few drinks, my confidence grew and so did my ability to understand and speak. Test it yourself in English, and send me an email with your own conclusion.

5. Go abroad
If there’s a better way to boast your confidence than throwing yourself in at the deep end and immersed yourself into the language. Trust me, after a long weekend away using only English, you’ll notice a difference. Imagine the difference a week of fortnight would make. Just make sure you choose an English-speaking country.

6. Watch a TV Serial in English
I listed some of the 10 Best TV Programmes to Help You practise English in an earlier blog, so there are no excuses. Pick a programme from the list and start watching. No lector, no subtitles. As you watch a few episodes, it does get easier and easier.

7. Change Your Job
Yes, it sounds a little drastic, but if you consider English part of your mental growth, then you need to be in a company that enables you to grow. It’s a tough truth, but you come first and with daily contact at work, your confidence will skyrocket.

8. Translate all your daily conversations into English
Say it, translate it. Say it, translate it. Say it, translate it. Do this every time you speak and you’ll soon realise how many words you really do know. You’ll notice you’re able to translate everything you say conversation in English. This will be a massive boast to you r confidence.

9. Laugh at other people
Listening to friends and work colleagues make mistakes in English can be good fun. Just don’t laugh out loud. It will give you a massive boast when you correct (or help) them and hearing the words “Thank you” will boast your confidence to no end. They believe your great, so should you.

10. Read magazines
Move the business and financial papers to the side and pull out some “T” magazines. T for trashy, T for tabloid. The more colours and celebrity stories the better. One thing these magazines do is use popular words. After reading without problems you’ll not only see how great your English is, but have the added bonus of know what’s happening in the celebrity world.

Remember, learning a language isn’t easy, so make sure you set realist targets. Keep things repetitive and let it sink in. Don’t ger stressed when having to speak makes you nervous, just keep pushing yourself and remember, there is always somebody worse than you in English. Joking aside, confidence is not about skills, but believe in oneself, and I believe in you 😊

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