Word Bank – English Technology Idioms

Word Bank

Using and practising with idioms is a great way to take your English to the next level and sound more and more like a native. Are you in the tech industry, here are some fantastic idioms connected to IT for you to put in your sky rocket.

Pull the plug – Much like unplugging an electrical device, this idiom related to ending, cancelling or stopping something.
“The ZuYupes project just isn’t working, I think it’s time we pulled the plug.”

All the Bells and Whistles – to means something comes with all the cool added extras.
“The next car I buy will come will all the bells and whistles”

Reinvent the wheel – to waste time trying to improve something that already works.
“Stop trying to reinvent, the tech works perfectly”  

Push someone’s buttons – To do specific things in order to anger or provoke someone and elicit a response.
“Malcom keeps pushing Megan’s buttons, her really know how to wind her up.”

Hit the panic button – Means to start panicking or start taking extreme emergency action
“The deadline is days away and we’re weeks behind schedule, It’s time to hit the panic button.”

Blow a fuse – to become really angry
“Jesus man, no need to blow a fuse, we can fix the script”

Bright as a button – Meaning a person is extremely intelligent
“She is as bright as a button, she codes like a seasoned professional”

It’s not rocket science – Used to describe something that isn’t complicated.
“How could you fail the Python exam, it isn’t rocket science”

To be on the same wavelength – when you find you have the same feeling, idea or mindset as somebody.
“Watching those two play football is a joy, they are in complete sync, both on the same wavelength”

To be in tune with somebody – when you are in complete agreement or have the same view, idea or opinion as somebody.
“I really enjoy working with Oleh, we think so much alike and I find I’m always in tune with him”

To make something (someone) tick – Is to know what makes something function or to know what motivate or makes a person work.
“To inspire your employees, as a manager, you first task is to find out what makes everyone tick”

Have something down to a science – Is to have learned and mastered something perfectly. So much so that doing it requires little or no thought.
“I have this system down to a science, I now it perfectly”

Well-oiled machine – This idiom is used to describe something that works perfectly.
“Since we implemented the new scheduling plan, the office has been running like a well oiled machine.

To run the Acid Test – Means to run a test to validate an idea, hypothesis or to prove if something works.
“OK lads, we’ve taken these calculations as far as we can now it’s time to run and acid test and see if this works.”

Do you know any other tech related idioms?
If so, send me a message and let me know.
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