Best Ukrainian Baby Names with English Versions

Word Bank

It’s fair to say that some Ukrainian names don’t crossover well into English and can often leave a person dumfounded, especially when relaying the name on the phone. Just imagine an English secretary trying to tell her boss “Mykhaltso or Yelysaveta” is on the phone.

With that in mind, I’ve put a list of the 10 coolest sounding Ukrainian male and female names that do cross really well over into English and sound great in both languages.

Male Names
Максим, Maxim (or Max), the name means “the greatest”
Роман, Roman, the name means “citizen of Rome”
Стефан, Stefan, the name means “crown”
Олександр, Alexander (Alex), the name means “ defender of men”
Патрік, Patrick, the name means “patricians or aristocrat”
Юліан, Julian, the name means “Jove’s child”
Андрій, Andrew (Andy), the name means “manly and strong”
Євген, Eugene, the name means “noble”
Адріан, Adrian, the name could means “citizen of Hadria”
Віктор, Victor, the name means “the conqueror”

Female Names
Надiя, Nadia, the name means “hope”
Вероніка, Veronica, the name means “bringer of victory”
Наталія, Natalia, the name means “Lord or God’s birthday”
Алессандра, Alessandra, the name means “daughter of the sovereign”
Клавдія, Claudia, the name means “lame or crippled”
Джуліана, Juliana, the name means “youthfun”
Валентина, Valentina, the name means “”healthy, strong”
Олена, Helena, the name means “bright, shining light”
Христина, Christina, the name means “a follower of Christ”.
Адріана, Adrianna, the name means “dark or woman of Adria”

As you can see, there are some really nice baby names that, in the growing, but shrinking world 😊 would work perfectly for your newborn. And make life a lot easier as they interact with English speakers.

If you can think of any names that would better suit this list, please send me an email and let me know.

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