Seven deadly Sins – Explained

Word Bank

Coincidently, and contrary to common belief, the Seven deadly sins are not actual written of in either the New or Old Testaments of the Christian Bible, instead their origins are said to have been first mentioned by the Desert Fathers who roamed Egypt in the 3rd Century.  The Seven deadly sins are a grouping of words believed to be – according to Christian teachings, excessive abuses of our natural passions or vices.

Fast forward a few centuries, and now most of us would go through many of these sins on a regular Friday night, but a language prospective, do you know what they all these sins mean – Envy, Pride, Sloth, Greed, Wrath, Lust and Gluttony?

The Seven deadly Sins Explained

Envy – An emotion desire stemming from jealously. A desire to have what another person possess and or wishing for a person to fail.
Mario was so jealous of Miguel after he was promoted, his envy was almost visible.

Lust – An intense emotional desire, a hunger or almost obsessive wanting for something or somebody.
I had lusted after her since the moment we meet, try as I could, she never even noticed me.

Sloth – A failure to do things that one should do, being lazy or even procrastinating.
Even thought he had so much to do but with neither the energy or will, laziness look control and the allure of Netflix.

Greed –An intense and selfish hunger for something, notably wealth, power and often food.
I was dizzy, almost passing out and my stomach hurting… but I had to finish that last slice of pizza.

Wrath – A strong feeling of fury, extreme anger, hate or resentment towards somebody.
After walking in on her husband and the nanny, she felt sure a rage she lost all control. She picked up carving knife and walked towards the bedroom.

Pride – A deep feeling of pleasure or self-satisfaction that stems from one’s own achievements. Connect to self-credit and self-importance.
His pride stopped home from asking for help even though he knew he really needed it.

Gluttony – Quite Similar to greed, it’s an over-indulgence and over-consumption of food, drink>
I was dizzy, almost passing out and my stomach hurting… but I had to finish that last slice of pizza.

Have you experienced any of these vices or sins?
In these modern times, what would you change or add to the list? 
If you have any thoughts, please get in touch, I’d be happy to hear your thoughts.

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