Best Ways to Say “NO” To Your Boss Remotely

Work List
Saying No. Phases List

The coronavirus has basically affected all our lives, more often than not for the worse. It has given us restrictions on movement, borders opening, then closing, masks and working remotely – of which some of us have really enjoyed.

Surprisingly, many of us have found our productivity increasing, in part because we don’t have to look at the face of our boss or manager all day and don’t have so many distractions.

Maybe you work really hard in the morning so you can enjoy the whole afternoon off or vice verses, but what do you say when your boss is starting to hover around sending you messages in the hope of squeezing more and more work out of you.

How do you politely decline and let him down firmly but gently while still sounding like a team player ?

Saying “no”, but gentle list

1. I’m really sorry but I’m spread so thin at the moment and I feel my productivity will suffer if I take any more work on.

2. Thank you so much for thinking of me, and ordinarily I would jump at the chance to take this off your hands, but right now, I feel like I’m spreading myself too thin.

3. This is one of those moments when I wish there were two of me. Although to be honestly, I really don’t know where I can find the time to do this, I’ve only just got a handle on my current work load.

4. I’m so overwhelmed at the moment and the thought of taking this on… I’m sorry but it’s just impossible right now.

5. I have to thank you for thinking of me, but with trying to juggle my current workload, I’d be doing you an injustice to agree to take this on. I do hope you understand what I mean.

6. While I’d love to say yes, I think I have too much on my plate right. Can I suggest asking ******* (name a colleague you dislike), I know they are always looking for more responsibilities.

7. What a shame, a few weeks ago I would be all over this, but I really am over-committed at the moment, and without wanting to take this further, it’s already stressing me out a touch.

8. I really do hate to disappoint you, but I can just about deal with everything I have going on right now, I’d feel so bad by saying yes and then letting you down in the future.

Hopefully there is enough on the list to stop your workload increasing.
And if your boss insists on you turning on your webcam when you join team meetings, just politely say this.
– “I’m really sorry but my broadband is just too slow to add video”

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